Mixes: myxomatosis

Myxomatosis Vol. 15: Here Keeps Leaving

By Jordan Mandel


(Listen here, or on Soundcloud)

Live mix from ZTOKCNYEHH!! in a tremendously special space with a tremendously opinionated outside tenant, as 2017 became past tense.

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Myxomatosis Vol. 13: Forgotten But Not Gone

By Jordan Mandel


(Listen here, or on Soundcloud)

Live set from Abe Erb, Waterloo, Canada on Nov 25 2017.
An ideal mix to take you for a walk down a lane of your memory, when the old school was just school.

What is Myxomatosis? A disease passed to rabbits from infected fleas or mosquitoes that will usually kill them within two weeks of contracting it. But that's not this Myxomatosis. This Myxomatosis is equal servings nostalgia, ass-shakin' (or at least toe-tappin') grooves, and usually a dollop or two of sampled audio to tie the whole thing together. The result? Enchantment through sound.



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Myxomatosis Vol. 12: Fear Loathe Live Love

By Jordan Mandel


(Listen here, or on Soundcloud)

Live set from Show & Tell, during a renegade, off-the map set at the nerve centre of Kitchener's Night\Shift.

A deep trip to the heart of Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, itself a savage journey to the heart of the American Dream. Carefully curated sounds to keep the good people of Kitchener body moving, and in equal parts to keep Dr. Thompson's spirit alive.

What is Myxomatosis? A disease passed to rabbits from infected fleas or mosquitoes that will usually kill them within two weeks of contracting it. But that's not this Myxomatosis. This Myxomatosis is equal servings nostalgia, ass-shakin' (or at least toe-tappin') grooves, and usually a dollop or two of sampled audio to tie the whole thing together. The result? Enchantment through sound.

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